All language centers featured in this site are credited by the Asociación de Centros de Idiomas (Language Schools Association – SEA). This Asociación joins more than 130 language centers in Argentina that fulfill the academic, ethical and legal requirements.

The objectives of the Association are the following

  The hierachization of associated language centers, in order to benefit their students and the whole education community. One of the important tools to hierarchize the labor of Language Institutes is the training of its members by means of workshops, seminars and professional update courses.

  The organization of information campaigns in order to contribute to the clarification of the social role played by Language Centers and the precautions that the public, private institutions and companies must consider in the selection of centers legally authorized and professionally acknowledged.

  The accreditation and acknowledgement of entities that are associated. The Association is organized so that Language Centers are able to defend their interests and, therefore, the interests of the community.

Students, teachers and the community trained by these Language Centers benefit from the hierarchization and professionalization of language teaching.